The Lord of hosts is with us; our stronghold is the God of Jacob.
Think of our US military. It’s the most powerful force in the world. Combined with our law enforcement and FBI officers (all those people Father Vaughn prays for every mass), they are constantly holding the forces of evil at bay.
They are the warrior protectors of America.
Now imagine if each one of them, in their oath to protect and serve, made their oath to protect and serve YOU, by name? “I do solemnly swear to support and defend [insert name], against all enemies…”
Let me ask; if you knew you had a legion of protectors to call on at a moment’s notice whenever you were in trouble, would that change your life? Would you have anything to fear? Would you truly feel like a king, or a queen?
Would you feel beloved?
Reflect on today’s Psalm. See how our God, the God of the universe, chooses to reveal himself as the possession of mankind, as the supreme protector and guardian. Enter into this intimate reality, and experience how perfect Love casts out all fear.