Certainly, today’s post Easter readings remind us that faith in the Resurrected Christ is the foundation for a new mode of human existence. What may be overlooked in this transformation of Christ’s disciples is the presence of a new boldness. They no longer fear or hesitate to proclaim the new life in Christ.
We who may be habituated to simply go along with the false values of our contemporary culture, or perhaps rationalize that its not worth being opposed or even ridiculed by the neo-pagan secularists surrounding us, should consider an examination of our consciences!
Are we like the Peter of Christ’s Passion, fearful and cowardly, who when pressed, denied any association with Jesus? Or, are we like the post Resurrection disciples, bold and confident? Which answer we give should tell us a lot about the genuineness of our faith.
To quote the image presented by Pope Francis in his exhortation Rejoice and be Glad : “How often we are tempted to keep close to the shore. Yet, the Lord calls us to put out into the deep and let down our nets.” It is never too late to have a change of heart.