Our Faith Formation program is collecting donations for Joseph's House. The drive is happening now until March 16th, where our faith formation families will organize donations to prepare for delivery. Items needed are:
toilet paper
shampoo & conditioner
toothpaste and brushes (sufficiently supplied for now, but always accepting)
bottled water
coffee (ground and/or instant)
portable snacks, such as granola bars
new towels
CODE BLUE: new or gently used heavy jackets (sizes S to XL)
new or gently used sweatpants (sizes S to XL)
***Please drop any donations in the box in the vestibule at church or the rectory and thank you for your support and generosity***
creating a home altar
Thank you to all who visited our Catholic Traditions Fair this past month. One of our topics this past weekend was Home Altars. No Catholic home should be without one. Whether it is a table, desk or wall mounted shelf, it represents a sacred place of prayer, healing, inspiration and symbolizes a family's commitment to God and each other. You likely already own the items to create a home altar. Specifically a bible, crucifix, rosary(ies), candles, images and/or statues of Jesus & Mary, holy water, prayer cards, flowers, seasonal decor (advent, lent, ordinary time, etc...) Click on link below for some great ideas, advice and resources to create yours. https://www.stmarthasguild.com/home-altars